plm4 virtual address coverage formula {pintos}

how much space can plm4 (page map level 4) cover? give me a detailed formula

answer from bing chat

PLM4 stands for Page Map Level 4, which is a paging structure used in long mode (64-bit) by x86-64 processors¹. It is the highest level of the four-level page table system, and it contains 512 entries that point to the Page-Directory Pointer Tables (PDPTs)².

The size of a page depends on the processor mode, the extensions used, and the virtual address bits supported by the processor². In long mode, the page size can be 4 KiB, 2 MiB, or 1 GiB². The space that PLM4 can cover depends on the page size and the number of entries used.

The formula for calculating the space covered by PLM4 is:

Space=Page Size×Number of PDPTs×512×512


For example, if we use 4 KiB pages and all 512 entries in PLM4, then the space covered by PLM4 is:

Space=4 KiB×512×512×512=1 TiB

If we use 2 MiB pages and only one entry in PLM4, then the space covered by PLM4 is:

Space=2 MiB×1×512×512=512 GiB

If we use 1 GiB pages and only one entry in PLM4, then the space covered by PLM4 is:

Space=1 GiB×1×512×512=256 TiB

I hope this helps you understand how much space PLM4 can cover. 😊

¹: kernel - Paging in x86-64 architecture - Stack Overflow
²: Page Tables - OSDev Wiki

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023. 10. 4.
(1) operating system - Page Map Level 4 Paging - Stack Overflow.
(2) Page Tables - OSDev Wiki.
(3) kernel - Paging in x86-64 architecture - Stack Overflow.
(4) Page Tables - OSDev Wiki.