let pages = dv.pages("")
.where(p => p.file.outlinks.includes(dv.current().file.link)) // Filter documents linking to this one
.filter(p => p.tags && p.tags.length > 0); // Ensure they have tags
let tagTree = {};
// Organize documents into a nested tag structure
pages.forEach(page => {
page.tags.forEach(tag => {
let parts = tag.split("/"); // Split tag by "/"
let rootTag = parts[0]; // First part of tag (e.g., #mongodb from #mongodb/migration)
let subPath = parts.slice(1).join("/"); // Everything after root (e.g., migration)
if (!tagTree[rootTag]) tagTree[rootTag] = {}; // Ensure root exists
let currentLevel = tagTree[rootTag];
if (subPath) {
let subParts = subPath.split("/");
subParts.forEach((sub, index) => {
if (!currentLevel[sub]) currentLevel[sub] = {}; // Create subtags if missing
if (index === subParts.length - 1) {
if (!currentLevel[sub].docs) currentLevel[sub].docs = [];
currentLevel = currentLevel[sub]; // Move deeper into the structure
} else {
if (!currentLevel.docs) currentLevel.docs = [];
function indent(count = 0) {
return ' '.repeat(count * 8);
// Recursive function to render tree structure
function renderTree(tree, depth = 0) {
for (let [tag, value] of Object.entries(tree)) {
if (tag !== "docs") {
// Render tag
dv.paragraph(`${indent(depth)} #${tag}`);
// Recursively render subtags
renderTree(value, depth + 1);
} else {
// Render documents
dv.list(value.map((doc) => `${indent(depth)} ${doc.file.link}`));
// Render the full tag tree
SELECT "funding"."fundId" AS "funding_fundId", "funding"."fundUuid" AS "funding_fundUuid", "funding"."fundTitle" AS "funding
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FROM "funding" "funding"
LEFT JOIN "comment" "comment"
ON "comment"."fundId"="funding"."fundId" AND ("comment"."isDel" = $1)
LEFT JOIN "user" "author"
ON "author"."userId"="comment"."authorId" AND ("author"."delAt" IS NULL)
LEFT JOIN "image" "authorImage"
("author"."defaultImgId" IS NOT NULL AND "authorImage"."imgId" = "author"."defaultImgId")
("author"."defaultImgId" IS NULL AND "authorImage"."subId" = "author"."userId" AND "authorImage"."imgType" = $2)
WHERE "funding"."fundUuid" = $3 ORDER BY "comment"."regAt" DESC -- PARAMETERS: [false,"User","ca79d647-099f-4a25-9dd3-235f968e