Anemic Model을 피해야 하는 이유

1. Violation of Encapsulation

2. Inconsistent States

3. Increased Risk of Bugs

4. Poor Code Reuse and DRY Violation

5. Lack of Expressive Models

6. Weak Domain Boundaries

7. Harder to Test

8. Difficulty in Maintaining Business Rules

9. Tight Coupling to Service Layer

10. Challenges with Scaling Teams

11. Impacts on Domain-Driven Design (DDD)

12. Scalability and Performance Issues

13. Resistance to Change

14. Violation of Object-Oriented Design Principles

15. Inability to Leverage Rich Framework Features


Anemic models hinder code clarity, scalability, maintainability, and adherence to sound design principles. They result in:

By moving toward richer domain models, you create a system that enforces consistency, promotes reusability, and scales better over time, all while making the code more expressive and aligned with business goals.